Top 10 List of Week 09
Valentino Herdyan Permadi --- Bekasi

Top 10 List of Week 09

  1. What is firmware? What does firmware do?
    A good article for basic understanding of what is a firmware in a more general term.

  2. What Is UEFI, and How Is It Different from BIOS?
    Just like the what the title said, it explain what is UEFI and BIOS and what are the differences.

  3. EDK II Gitbook: Boot Sequence
    Boot sequence for the EDK II (Tianocore EDK II is the UEFI reference implementation by Intel. EDK is the abbreviation for EFI Development Kit and is developed by the TianoCore community. TianoCore EDK II is the defacto standard generic UEFI services implementation). This is a good example for understanding boot sequence.

  4. What Is a Boot Loader?
    A good article to give basic information about what is a boot loader.

  5. Linux Jargon Buster: What is Grub in Linux? What is it Used for?
    This article explain about GNU GRUB in Linux.

  6. Difference Between MBR vs GPT: Linux Partitioning Guide For Beginner
    Easy to understand explanation about differences between MBR and GPT.

  7. Running Programs Automatically on Your Tiny Computer
    A good tutorial to automatically run programs.

  8. What is Upstart?
    Nothing much, what’s up with you?

  9. Understanding systemd at startup on Linux
    A good introduction to systemd

  10. How To Use Systemctl to Manage Systemd Services and Units
    A tutorial to use systemctl to manage systemd

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