Top 10 List of Week 07
Valentino Herdyan Permadi --- Bekasi

Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Introduction of Deadlock in Operating System
    This gfg article introduces us to what is a deadlock and what are the conditions that could make deadlock happen. It also give us a few idea on how to handle it.

  2. UIC Course Notes: Deadlocks
    Now that we know what is a deadlock, we can now dive deeper to know more about deadlocks. This course note made by UIC gives us more explanation about deadlocks.

  3. What is a race condition?
    This stackoverflow thread gives us answers about what is a race condition and how we can handle it. One way to prevent a race condition is to put lock around the data to make sure that only one thread can access the data at a time.

  4. The Critical Section Problem
    This pdf from UTA is actually a slide presentation on what is the critical section problem. This pdf give a good description about what is the critical section problem and gives solution to the problem using algorithms such as Peterson’s algorithm and Bakery’s Algorithm.

  5. Semaphores in Process Synchronization
    Not to be confused with semaphore flags, this gfg article explains about what is semaphores and how we can use it in synchronizing processes. It explain the 2 different types of semaphore and gives us implementations using C++.

  6. What is data persistence and why does it matter?
    Since we are talking about process synchronization that means we also need to talk about the data that was processed. This blog post talks about what is data persistence and the importance of it in applications.

  7. What is JPA? Introduction to the Java Persistence API
    One way to make data persist is to use JPA or Java Persistence API. This article gives us a tutorial on making data persist using java.

  8. What is a starvation problem in an operating system?
    This article gives us an explanation about the starvation problem in an operating systems. It shows us a visual representation of starvation problem and what makes it different from deadlocks.

  9. Mutex lock for Linux Thread Synchronization
    This is another gfg article that gives us an explanation and implementations on achieving thread synchronization using mutex locks.

  10. Multithreading in C
    Another gfg but this time it is a tutorial about multithreading using C. I think this tutorial is helpful to teach multithreading implementation before we can dive deeper into other thread stuff.


Thanks for reading until the bottom line. Here’s a video that i think is interesting and might cheer up your day.

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