Top 10 List of Week 01
Valentino Herdyan Permadi --- Bekasi

Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Vim Adventures
    A Vim editor gamification. This game is designed to teach user how to use the Vim editor while also having fun. I would say this is a unique experience as i was not just learning but also having fun. Unfortunately this game is not free, we only get access to the first 3 levels. We need to buy the license to get the full version.

  2. PacVim
    Another Vim editor gamification. Just like Vim Adventures, this game is designed to teach user how to use Vim. But this game is much simpler than Vim Adventures. It is inspired by the classic retro game Pac-Man and the gameplay is pretty much just like Pac-Man. Players are required to “eat” all the letters to win the game while also trying to not get eaten by the Ghost. To get started we can simply clone the repo and follow the guideline to start playing. Another cool feature is that users can create their own map.

  3. Linux Basic Commands
    Basically a list of Linux commands that every user should know. Since i am new to The World of Linux, i often forgot what does a command do or what arguments that would be useful. These kinds of lists would be useful in the future.

  4. Jekyll Tutorial
    I have never used Jekyll, so i need to find a tutorial for that. My page is mostly a copy of cbkadal but still i need these tutorials so i could understand with what is going on.

  5. Regex Cheatsheet
    Another list. This time its for regex, what you can do with it and a few examples.

  6. donut.c
    A very cool simple c program that can be run in your freshly installed OS. Basically a 3D donut inside your 2D terminal.

  7. Linux Users and Groups
    A guide to manage your users and groups. When i installed dependencies on my own terminal, it stated that i need permission to do that. This guide is very useful to give my current user permission so i don’t need to “su” to root everytime i need to install something. Also, some installation can break the application if you use root to install it. This fixed that problem.

  8. Bash Aliases Tutorial
    The .bash_aliases file provided by osp4diss is very useful for me so i try to explore more. Hopefully this guide will be useful to speed up my development process in the future.

  9. awk Tutorial
    Tutorial on how to use the “awk” command in linux. “awk” is mostly used for pattern scanning and processing. This guide introduces us to some of its coolest features.

  10. Youtube Video
    Very interesting youtube video.

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